Jatropha podagrica
FMIP0219Stock Level: This product is not available in the requested quantity. The remainder of your order will be dispatched as soon as available.Justicia carnea
FMIP0511Stock Level: This product is not available in the requested quantity. The remainder of your order will be dispatched as soon as available.Justicia rizzinii (syn. Jacobinia pauciflora)
FMIP0571Stock Level: This product is not available in the requested quantity. The remainder of your order will be dispatched as soon as available.
FMIP0220Stock Level: This product is not available in the requested quantity. The remainder of your order will be dispatched as soon as available.Ludisia discolor
FMIP0429Stock Level: This product is not available in the requested quantity. The remainder of your order will be dispatched as soon as available.
Medinilla magnifica
FMIP0223Stock Level: This product is not available in the requested quantity. The remainder of your order will be dispatched as soon as available.Miltonia
FMIP0409Stock Level: This product is not available in the requested quantity. The remainder of your order will be dispatched as soon as available.
Murraya paniculata
FMIP0528Stock Level: This product is not available in the requested quantity. The remainder of your order will be dispatched as soon as available.Nepenthes hybride
FMIP0349Stock Level: This product is not available in the requested quantity. The remainder of your order will be dispatched as soon as available.